Paid Advertising Strategy
May 26, 2023

Fintech Marketing Insights: Lessons from Bluevine's Advertising and Growth Strategy

Do you remember the Medici family from way back when they were ballin' out of control in the banking world?

Well, fast forward to today, and we have a new generation of high-tech Medici founders making waves. One of the standout names in this new era is Eyal Lifshitz, the founder of Blue Vine.

In 2013, Eyal and his team launched Blue Vine, and within two years, they had raised a whopping $64 million, with their revenue doubling every quarter! And that's not all, they're now spending millions of dollars on ad spend alone to keep their momentum going.

Over the past decade, Blue Vine has amassed over 450,000 customers, thanks to their core offering of helping businesses with their cash flow needs, providing quick access to loans, and offering a suite of banking products such as checking and bill pay services.

Plus, their Business Checking account pays a sweet 2.00% interest rate on all balances up to $100,000, which is even better than most high-yield savings accounts.

Ok lets get into the main reason why we're here, Blue Vine's Paid Advertising Traffic Strategy!

Summary of Blue Vine's Traffic Strategy

Blue Vine may have a dozen different sites, but it seems like they're only giving real attention to their Business Checking and Business Line of Credit landing pages in the US. Those pages are like a dynamic duo, swooping in to save the day for small businesses struggling with cash flow issues. And with a two-step opt-in process, they're making it easy for busy entrepreneurs to get the financial support they need.

When it comes to advertising, Blue Vine's main squeeze is search ads, with some display and social ads mixed in. They're spending a pretty penny on Google to get their message out there, and even branching out to social media. But, their ads could use a bit more oomph to stand out from the competition. With some tweaks to their headlines and value proposition, they could really cash in on their potential.

Let's have a quick look at their overall traffic strategy.

Organic Traffic Analysis

Bluevine Organic Traffic Overview

So, it turns out that Blue Vine is getting a decent amount of free traffic from search engines, around 30,614 clicks to be precise.

But, after a closer look at their keyword strategy, it seems like they're only ranking for branded terms like "Bluevine" and "Bluevine business checking." Come on, guys, you're not Beyoncé!

If they put a bit more effort into their SEO game, they could potentially rank for more specific search terms like "5 Key Things Every LLC Business Checking Account Should Have" or "How Top Small Business CEO's are growing their business without using thier own money"

Maybe they just need to sprinkle a little SEO magic on their website.

Social Media Strategy

So Blue Vine has a YouTube account, but it's not as lively as their other social media channels.

LinkedIn seems to be their favorite platform, and they've got a good rotation of content going. They cover everything from small business tips to product updates to company news. It's a great example of a versatile content strategy that can work for all kinds of companies.

Lets get into the reason why we are here, Paid Advertising

Paid Traffic Analysis

Paid Traffic Trends

This account has been around for a while, but what really caught my eye was the massive increase in their ad spend in the new year. They shelled out over $2 million in January for their advertising, which is no small feat!

Top Performing Search Ad's

Bluevine Search Ad

So, I did some digging on their ad strategy and found that they're bidding on over 1,000 keywords. Their ads mainly focus on growth, product features, and addressing some customer pain points, and they're pretty similar to their competitors' ads or their competitors have caught up with them and just reusing what they think is working.

But, if they really want to stand out, they could dive deeper into the market. Here's the real question they need to ask themselves: are they just selling a checking account or line of credit to small businesses, or is there something more they're offering? Here are just a few examples of the what it could possible be : "Don't Let Billing Delays Ruin Your Finances - Our Small Business Services Can Provide Relief"

Most of their ads lead to the Business Checking and Business Line of Credit landing pages. And you can tell they're serious about marketing - they've trimmed the fat and fine-tuned those ads to perfection. But maybe they could take a break from all that perfection and have a little fun with their ad copy. After all, small business owners could use a good laugh.

Next up, the landing page

Landing Page Breakdown

So, the landing pages for Blue Vine's line of credit and checking account are pretty slick. They've got all the important stuff like credibility, social proof, and a clear call to action. But, let's be real here, the headlines are a bit product-focused and repetitive. As a small business owner, I want to know what's in it for me!

How about a headline like "Cash Flow is King: Discover How Our Small Business Solutions Can Help You Reign Supreme" or "Is Your Small Business Suffering from Delayed Payments? We Have Solutions to Help!" And, while we're at it, a nice customer testimonial on the line of credit page would really seal the deal.

I started filling out the account application process, but didn't quite finish. Hey, life gets in the way sometimes, you know? But, I did get a couple of reminder emails to finish it up, kind of like a shopping cart abandonment flow. Gotta love those marketing tactics.

Looking at their ad spend, Blue Vine is definitely putting in the effort with a million plus dollars going toward advertising. They're probably testing and updating everything like they're in the fast lane at the Daytona 500.

And, if they want to keep that momentum going, here are a few action items:

  • Improve the headlines to be more benefit-driven,
  • Focus on creating images that really make small business owners drool with desire for more credit and better checking accounts,
  • Make sure the Sub - Headlines are intriguing and pique interest,
  • Emphasize the free aspect of their offerings while still highlighting the benefits

In conclusion,

Blue Vine is a fintech company with an impressive track record. Eyal Lifshitz and his team have created a suite of banking products that cater to small businesses' needs, and it's no wonder they have over 450,000 customers to show for it.

But, let's face it, we're all here for the paid ad strategy. Blue Vine is going all-in on Google search ads, but they could definitely up their game with more oomph in their ad copy. Their landing pages are slick, but the headlines could use a bit of work to really attract small business owners.

Overall, it's clear that Blue Vine is serious about their marketing game and is not afraid to invest big bucks to stay ahead of the curve. With a few tweaks here and there, they could be the king of the fintech hill. Other Fintech businesses have a look at what Bluevine is doing and learn from them and strategize accordingly. Alot can be learnt here and can applied to other businesses as well

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