Radiant Results: 60% Boost in Leads for Premier Solar Company

Location :

California, US

Client :

Leading Californian Solar Company

Case Study
release date :

July 7, 2023

"In the fast-paced world of solar energy, it's a race to the top."

In the dynamic and competitive world of solar energy, standing out is essential. But California's leading solar company found themselves trailing in the race despite their sterling reputation. Their sales tactics, while once effective, knocking door to door, were now outdated and only garnering a trickle of low-quality leads. This is where our team stepped in to transform their trajectory.

How We Helped?

We took a two-pronged approach to turn things around. Firstly, we overhauled their sales process, updating their approach to match the latest industry trends and customer expectations. Secondly, we boosted their online presence on two of the most influential platforms: Google and YouTube.


This intervention delivered astounding results in a short span of three months. The cost per lead dropped by a significant 60%, while the volume of leads shot up by the same proportion. Moreover, these weren't just any leads; they were high-quality, targeted leads that converted more efficiently. The outcome? A streamlined sales process, shorter deal cycles, and more time spent closing deals. This meant more satisfied customers and a healthier bottom line.

Next Steps

But we don't stop at immediate success. As we look ahead, our plans include penetrating new market segments, implementing advanced analytics to better understand customer behavior, and homing in on high-intent prospects. With us, you don't just invest in temporary fixes; you invest in long-term success.

How Can We Help

Our agency specializes in direct response ad campaigns, designed to give you an edge in your market. To get started, here's what we need from you:

  • A proven and tested sales funnel that effectively converts the highly targeted clicks we send into sales.
  • Existing tracking set up – we work with all cookie-based tracking solutions.
  • One day of your time to plan and build a robust digital marketing strategy.

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