Say Goodbye to Costly Click Blunders, Hello to Killer Campaigns with Our PPC Consulting

Overwhelmed with managing your paid ads? Challenged by the fast-changing digital sales trends?

Welcome to Cycad Digital: Your solution to achieving a consistent stream of leads and sales within 90 days—guaranteed, or your money back.

We simplify your journey to online success.

Our Paid Media AcceleratorTM liberates you from the daily hassle of managing paid ads. It bolsters your cash flow by providing a steady stream of leads and sales. You gain the freedom to focus on your core business.

Get Your Free Marketing Plan
"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great mentor." An Old Japanese Proverb

Does the mere thought of sky-high ad costs and ineffective campaigns make you want to scream into the void?

With just a mere $5, you have the potential to reach a huge audience on platforms like Google, Facebook,Reddit etc. But let's be real, even with the ease of entry, many businesses still struggle to see the desired results from their paid advertising campaigns.

Disapproved ads, costly clicks, and lack of leads can leave you feeling like you're throwing your hard-earned cash into a black hole.

That's where we come in! Our expert team will comb through your campaigns with a fine-toothed comb, identify areas for optimization, and give you step-by-step guidance to make changes that actually drive results.

Say goodbye to frustration and hello to clarity and confidence in your paid advertising strategy!In just one hour, we'll have you running an ad campaign that's generating leads and sales like never before.

You'll know exactly what type of campaigns to run, how to reduce ad costs, and what tools to use for maximum impact.

Don't miss out on the chance to give your marketing a turbo boost and multiply your profits. Contact us today for PPC advice that actually delivers results. Trust us, your wallet (and sanity) will thank you!

Get Your Free Marketing Plan

Get the Ultimate PPC Tune-Up with Our Consultation Process

  • We'll schedule an intial meeting to review your goals, needs and pain points
  • Review your campaign live and show you the changes that need to be made to improve your campaign and get better results
  • Record the consultation so you or your team can go back to it later
1. Schedule Your Session

Book a time to chat with us and discuss your goals, needs, and pain points.

2. Live Ad Account Review

We'll take a deep dive into your campaigns, ads, landing pages, and tracking, and show you the changes that need to be made for better results.

3. Real-Time Account Updates

We'll make updates to your account on the spot during our session.

4. Follow-Up Check-In:

We'll schedule a follow-up meeting to see how your campaigns are performing and make further optimizations if needed

Everything included in our paid media coaching services:

  • Keyword Research
  • Ad Copy
  • A/B Split Testing
  • Analytics And Conversion Tracking Setup
  • Audience Targeting
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Negative keyword management
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Bid Modifiers
Who is this for

You have a target market that you know well and can easily coach. You'll react without emotion when we show you data that doesn't make sense or isn't working for you. You're very competitive, but understand that this is a numbers game. You're married to results rather than tools or gurus.

Who is this not for ?

This isn't for people who are resistant to change, criticism, or hard work. You see, in order for this program to work for you and your goals, you have to be willing to put in the effort required to make it happen

Book Time with Us : Don't Get Lost in the Paid Advertising Maze, We've Got Your Back

Case Studies

Our Latest Projects

Our Latest Projects

Our Latest Projects

Our Latest Projects

Our Latest Projects

The Dream Team of Digital Marketing - Get to Know the Heroes Behind Your Success

Nicholas Cain

Digital Strategy, Paid Ads, and Lead Management Specialist

Danielle Norsworthy

Master Copywriter And Designer

Tariq Allie

Data Driven Decision Maker

We Are A Certified Direct Response Marketing Agency